Saturday, May 11, 2024

Aurora Borealis

Taking a break from our regularly scheduled horse content to share some photos I took of the Northern Lights on Friday! Super wild to be seeing it in central Missouri - it's always been a bucket list item for me but I assumed I'd need to travel. My photos aren't the best, we have an annoying amount of light pollution here now that we have neighbors, but I was still so excited to grab these photos  straight off my phone, no filter. Enjoy! 
.......this is why it was hard to get good photos 🥴 
DH and I did drive out to the back corner of the pasture to see if that helped, and it probably would have except the brightest colors had died down by then.
I also got back up in the middle of the night to see if I could get ones with less light pollution, but by then the colors were pretty subdued. 

At any rate, just a cool experience I wanted to be able to look back on! 


  1. Wasn't that the craziest thing?? We could see them here too, which I never thought would be a thing.

    1. It was so neat! I loved seeing all my friend's photos from across the country!
