Friday, May 19, 2023

Long Time, No Blog

Wow I am the worst. I'm behind a horse show, sleeping in my renovated horse trailer for the first time, several lessons, and a ton of trail rides. Oh, and LRK3DE 🙈 plus an amazing visit from T and Renate. OH AND A NEW DOGGO. 

Meet Ghoulie


Us on the dachshund jump at LRK3DE 

Zero way I can catch up on all that, but highlights are on social media. I doubt things will be slowing down enough to blog much now that we're into the swing of spring/summer DOING ALL THE THINGS. 

Basically just stopping by to confirm I am in fact still alive 🤣 just staying extra busy with an extra horse and an extra dog. Plus extra responsibilities at work 🥴

Emmy is finally getting out to some off property trails! 

We even did a mother-daughter trail ride on mother's day with my mom! 

Still haven't managed to get Emmy to a lesson with my trainer yet, but she does have a dressage saddle now so hopefully that's on the docket for next month! 


  1. It's been 6 weeks since the show and I haven't even looked at the photos 🤣🤣 it was a disappointing experience. I felt like our tests were world's better than last years, annnnnnnd they still scored the same/worse than the year before. Womp womp womp. Not that scores are everything but it is as disappointing to feel like we made so much progress and then have a judge still hate basically everything we did 🙃

  2. That’s too bad. I’ve had similar experiences and it’s very disheartening.

  3. I know that it's just one person's opinion on one day and blah blah. But I ended up riding 3 of my 4 tests under the same incredibly bitchy judge annnnnnnd had another drive home crying wondering why I pay so much money to do this 🤣 so not really inclined to relive the experience hahaha

  4. The new doggo - SO adorable :)

  5. Ooohhh how did Ruby's show go?

    1. Oops I just read through the comments and found out! Ugh sorry to hear about your scores, it's so disappointing when they don't reflect the training. I have a student (teenager) going through the same thing and it's crappy. But the nice judges make up for it <3

    2. Haha that's okay. I did eke out another score for my bronze, so I do at least have my required scores for first level, so I guess that's something? 🤣

      We'll see how I feel about further shows this season, there are three more at my "home" show venue I am still waffling about.

  6. Congrats on the new pup! And sorry about the show, it's so disheartening when the judge is overly harsh.

    1. Right, like when my horse is CLEARLY out of gas and makes a down transition one letter too early, I do expect you to ding me, but I don't expect a fucking ONE 🫠 I didn't actually even read the rest of that test or comments. I opened it, saw the 1, and was like nooooope. And that was my last test of the weekend, nothing like going out on a high note of getting a 52% 🥴🥴🥴

  7. So much happening! The new pup is so cute, and what a lucky pup to get to live with you guys! I'm dying to hear how the first sleeps in the trailer went. Glad you're getting out and doing all the things!

    1. Haha well the first night of the show, we had like 40+ mph wind gusts and a storm, which did not make for a good sleeping experience 🤣 but the second night was great! And then actually Renate slept in it when she stayed with me before LRK3DE! 😁 Looking forward to getting it out with DH this summer!
