Tuesday, June 7, 2022


I was so excited to come on here and update that I FINALLY fixed the wifi issues and Pivo Meet was working in a quality high enough to schedule a remote lesson, and I had a GREAT trail ride with some friends Saturday, and then Cinna had a good work Sunday afternoon and I was actually able to get some updated photos of her, and I had SO MANY THINGS TO SAY ABOUT ALL OF THAT..... except then Sunday night I was getting the dogs in from the backyard and I stepped onto a small piece of uneven ground (that I have walked over HUNDREDS of times) and my ankle folded in on itself and I heard a sickening crunch. I won't bore you with all the excruciating details but despite immediately elevating it and applying ice, it was pretty clear something was wrong. 

Definitely not supposed to be that size. 

Penny was very concerned about the amount of crying I was doing. Mostly because I had a gut feeling it was broken and my show season was over and everything I've worked so hard on (including losing 25 lbs) was going to be completely and utterly wasted.  

I gave it overnight hoping Monday morning it would feel better, but it very much did not. DH had some important work stuff going on, so I called my mom to come give me a ride to the ER. She works a shifted schedule on Mondays and doesn't have to go in until the afternoon, and I figured after all the driving I did for her bunion surgery rehab, she owed me one. 

The ER got me in super quick - they actually finished x-rays before they even got me in a room, and then when the doctor came in to look at my ankle he was like "let me order some x-rays" and I was like "well they're already done" so he wandered off to find them. 

And of course, because if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all, it was broken. Nothing requiring surgery, but apparently I chipped off a piece of the... talus I think she said? I made them give me the x-rays on a disc -- she was so confused I wanted them and I was like well I have horses we like looking at weird x-rays and then she was like ohhhh one of those hahahaha. Four to six weeks in a boot, no driving. Fuck my life. Still trying to figure out what I'm going to do about work - for the first time in probably five years, DH is NOT driving to the city I work in, but in completely the opposite direction. And while I'm set up to work from home a lot, there are still things that have to be done in person in my office.

My life for the foreseeable future I guess. 

Eating my feelings when I got home. 

So. I need to email the Dressage Foundation and see if I can defer my Gifted grant for a bit. I had let some friends do some good-natured poking at me and my lizard brain and they had me finally ready to commit to entering Pony Cup in July, but clearly now that's not going to happen. I had been over the moon to text TrainerB about starting remote lessons for real, and nope. I don't want this to turn into a situation like DH where he didn't follow the doctor's instructions so his broken wrist took the better part of six months to heal (and is still NQR today) so I'm going to try really hard to be a good patient but just like..... FUCK. WHY. 

No idea what I'm looking at on the rads but hey, I paid for them (or I will whenever they bill me) so I figured they might as well become content... lol. 


  1. Ugh... I see it and I'm so sorry. Been there, done that. I hope you get the whole driving thing figured out and am wishing you a speedy recovery!

  2. I'm so sorry. Seems to be a trend, a friend's husband just did the same thing, he thought he rolled it but turns out he broke it. Fingers crossed you are back in the saddle as soon as possible and work is an easy fix.

    1. The doctor tried to comfort me by telling me the severe sprains take just as long to heal as the fractures but it... didn't help lol.

  3. Oh ugh!!! So frustrating, I'm sorry 😔

  4. I'm so sorry. I hope you heal super fast and can pick up right where you left off asap

  5. I feel sick on your behalf. What a horrible thing to happen at the start of the summer. I hope that that the 6 weeks is actually 4......

    1. Ortho appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what the specialists say (no shade at the ER docs, but it was a bit of a disorganized visit). It doesn't feel terrible today, but I've been trying to stay off it as much as possible (treating my own rehab like I would treat my horses lol).
