Wednesday, May 29, 2019

WW: Coming Along

I just realized the last photo I posted was the literal groundbreaking for our house, and SO MUCH has happened since then!
Prepping for the slab. 

So much concrete!

Slab poured :) 

A little extra gravel means my tacking area got an upgrade! 

Cats. Fucking shit up since the dawn of time lol. (they fixed it, don't worry)

Lean-to will be the "garage" once the house is done!

Walls starting to go up last week.

And the trusses up/walls sheeted yesterday! :)
Things are coming along quite well, considering the weather :) hopefully in another month I'll have even more exciting updates! Obviously this is keeping me pretty busy, but I promise the horses are all still fat and sassy and loving the feral lifestyle they're currently living lol.

Friday, May 3, 2019

Friday Feels

It's Friday and I'm tired. But not as tired as this exhausted baby goat who needed to nap in his mom's feed dish 😴 when I got home Wednesday, Blanca had this cutie for us, so now we're up to two wee bebes, and they're both incredibly dark/black-headed bucklings!

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

WW: Surprise!

So as eventful as not-Rolex LRK3DE and associated shenanigans were.....

Momma goat (Bolt) had been separated (for treatment of an eye ulcer) and we had just put her back out with the herd Sunday after I got back from KY. Imagine my surprise to find this Monday after I got back from the airport! She wasn't bagged up much but she got some post-birth supplements and is already looking better -- and baby is VERY strong and active!

And Bolt's mom Blanca is also looking imminently ready to kid, so prepare yourself for more baby goat photos!