Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Road Riding and Riverboating

Last Friday ended up being my most productive “horse” day in weeks! I tossed riding clothes in my car so on my way home I could just go straight to the barn (although now that it’s only a mile away, it’s not like its time prohibitive to go home first haha). I changed and tacked up quickly, and Ruby and I got to enjoy a lengthy ride with Jacki and Mort! Although it really highlighted for me how much I miss the trails at the old place – we rode down the road a bit (avoiding the house that has dogs that chase me on my bike all the time), around the mowed sections, and along all the fencelines we could find. The weather was cooperative enough that we weren’t totally melting, and the horses seemed to enjoy it as well. 


Saturday the heat crept back in, so I was mostly a lazy bum after doing chores at home in the morning (Dr. Who marathon FTW -- Saturday while DH is at work is the only time I get to watch "my" TV shows). In the afternoon I had chores down at the barn, so I decided to bike down. This was a really poor life choice that I regretted before I was halfway there. I did finally make it to the barn and I texted DH to see if he could grab me some water on his way home and drop it off – God bless him, not only did he bring me water, but he also pitched in and helped out with the chores so I didn’t die of heatstroke. 
Chilling with the dachshunds during the day!

Sunday morning I was feeding at the barn, so I decided to bike up again since it was early in the morning (aka, not quite as hot). I made it about halfway there before the chain on my bike completely stopped cooperating and started coming off every 5 seconds. I’d get off, wrestle it back into place, and then make it another 5 seconds before it would pop off again. I was far enough from the house that I didn’t feel like turning around to get the truck, so I just hoofed it the last half mile. At least I had this beautiful sunrise to look at as I grumpily walked down the gravel road, wheeling the bike? 

This was basically the precursor to a rather annoying morning in which the horses refused to come to the gate to be caught (involving me trekking all over the LOVELY large pastures at the new farm, haha), Ruby losing her fly mask, and just general annoyances. I also had to text DH to come pick up the bike so I could get home, because the thought of walking it home once the day got hot made me want to die. About the time he showed up to take me home, I was climbing on Ruby bareback to walk around her turnout and look for the fly mask (the flies have been so bad this summer that putting a horse out without a mask basically immediately leads to icky swollen eyes). I was hoping I would have a better vantage point from high on Ruby’s back (which was a good idea in theory I guess), but I still couldn’t find the damn mask. As I fruitlessly circled the field, Ruby started to get more and more worked up about the bugs (she really doesn’t like bugs. At. All.). I finally had to concede defeat, and as I walked back to the barn I saw DH driving away (wtf honey). He did manage to fix the bike so I could ride it home. 
I stopped in the barn for a snuggle with Cinna to make me feel better.


By the time I got home all I wanted was a cold shower and to never, ever move again. At least one of those things happened? After I recovered a little bit, he wanted to take the boat down to the river. Since I didn’t have any other plans with the horses (too effing hot and humid), we loaded up the truck and took off. He was excited to take me up to a sandbar that he found exploring with his friend last weekend. I tried not to be a buzzkill, but I was super bored. I had my kindle so I read on the sandbar for a bit, but it got too hot, so I went and sat with him in the water. Which was fun for like…. 10 minutes, and then I really just wanted to go home. He has been such a good sport about horse events for so long that I’ll keep trying to have fun out on the river with him, but I will also very much encourage him and his friends to go out fishing so there is no room in the boat for me… haha.


Unfortunately yesterday was too consumed with a dentist’s appointment and a GMO meeting to get in any horse time, but I’m okay with that, because the weather is still shit. And unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it’s going to get much better any time soon.... Blech. Maybe I'll dig up some photos and do tack reviews? Too hot for much else! haha. 


  1. Ugh I do not miss the heat and humidity.

    1. We're under a heat advisory until Saturday I think 🙄 grossssss.

  2. I stopped looking at the weather because it upsets me. 😑

    1. Also, B and I want to play boat trip with you guys sometime!

    2. Ummm absolutely yes please! It would be wayyy more fun with friends! (And possibly also booze hahaha).

    3. Booze makes everything better ;)

  3. It has been super cold up here in Canada (more specifically, coastal inland BC). I am pretty much always in pants and a sweatshirt. I wish we had some warmth!

    1. I would be happy to send you a few of our degrees 😋 haha.

  4. ooooh Cinna looks too freakin adorable in that picture tho!!!!

  5. I sounds like a fun weekend. Except for the heat- you can keep that.

    1. Blechhhhh heat index through Saturday so nothing interesting will be going on for the foreseeable future 😂

  6. I'm glad you got to go on a mini trail ride at the new place despite the heat.

    I feel like a day on the water would be really nice right about now.

    1. It was probably more tolerable than any other outside activities? Haha I didn't mind so much when the boat was moving but just sitting at the sandbar got a bit boring. I might have just been in a mood though. Idk. Maybe next time will be better ☺

  7. I'm categorically bad fishing luck (and also won't shut up) so if the boys are going fishing, I'm not invited. ;-) Everybody wins.

    1. Yeah same, they won't take me fishing (even if I wanted to go, which I solidly do not 😂).

  8. Busy and productive! Sounds like my life. =) Active, but so fun to be able to Do All The Things.

    1. Haha well busy yes, but the jury is out on productive? I feel like I perpetually have a mile long to-do list that I never make progress on. Probably looks different to others tho!

  9. Your reaction to a boat is exactly my reaction to a boat. We are dying in the heat and it's not even August yet... blech

    1. I'm not sure I'll survive August at this rate! *melting*
