Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Wet Cotton

Every year I think I'm ready for the heat and humidity of a Missouri summer.... and I never am. The first few 80+ degree days are miserable, but I acclimate. And I think hey, not so bad! And then we get strings of the 90+ degree days, and I go back to why do I live in the Midwest again? I don't do well with extremes of temperature -- although extreme cold is just as bad (I'm looking at you, polar vortex from a few years ago), extreme heat is the one we deal with more regularly. Add in the humidity so high it feels like you're breathing through wet cotton.... ugh. I spend a lot of time hiding inside with cold beverages.
Preferably cold beverages in my new favorite pineapple sipper.
I will say that my summer hours are helping this year -- although it's not always easy to make the drive out to the barn to work Ruby in the mornings unless DH is doing chores, I am definitely working Cinna more regularly. Of course, with no one home, all the work is lunging, so super boring media. But she's definitely coming along. She also sprouted a case of scratches on one leg overnight, so cleaning and treating that has been added to the routine. Luckily it was pretty small when I first spotted it, and it's already responding to treatment -- free Rolex samples FTW!
Testing out a new bit with her drop noseband bridle (because we're still playing musical training set ups to find her favorite).
Insert treats here plz&thanx
Majestical unicorn, obvs
j/k awkward baby with legs everywhere

I did manage to squeeze in a birthday ride on Ruby last week, and she's the same old superstar she always is. I picked one of our varied terrain fields and we did a lot of trotwork, focusing on changing my diagonals (and her bend) every 10 to 15 strides. I also tried to mix in 10 strides of sitting trot focusing on straightness every few switches. It took her a minute to figure out what I wanted, but once we were both on the same page, it felt really good. Did it look good? No idea, but that's more "dressage-ing" than I've done in a month, so I'll take it. On that front, I have an instructor I want to contact about resuming lessons, but the onslaught of a string of 90 degree days kind of deflated my excitement... 
I was actually trying to take a picture of her shiny spotty turnout buddy for his mom, but Ruby photobombed looking cute so enjoy haha.

But basically I just wanted to drop by and say we're still trucking along. DH is less than 3 weeks out from graduating and then hopefully we'll be able to settle in to more of our new "normal", whatever that may look like. I'm also excited because we may get to host a fellow blogger overnight in a few weeks as she drives through -- more details about that in the future! ;)
Also I got these fun reins in the mail yesterday and am STUPID EXCITED to put them on Ruby's bridle.


  1. This is me getting you excited about the lessons so that I can hear your opinions! Soooo, get excited! ;)

    Next Thursday is supposed to be 78 (I think).

    1. Oh please God let it cool back down a little, haha. If I wait another week or two, maybe I can schedule it when there is more space to ride in ;)

  2. I need to find this motivation to do stuff before work. I really want to start running again, and that's the only time to go. But alas. I love my bed. Props to you for getting out there in the wee hours!
    It hit 90 here all of a sudden too. I don't mind the heat at all, but this came on quickly (it was in the 50's all last week). So the horses are taking it easy until it breaks tonight. Poor Romey was a sweaty mess when I got home from work yesterday.

    1. Yeah I need to reincorporate the gym into my schedule again just can't figure out where haha. Getting out of bed early is easy now that I taught my dogs breakfast is at 5:30. They won't even let me sleep in on weekends now 😂

  3. Oh man yea this heat is definitely zapping motivation to ride. Our lessons are usually at 3pm too, bleh. Hopefully it cools down soon tho!

    1. God I can't imagine trying to ride at 3 in the afternoon. I am barely managing 6 am workouts when its still in the high 70s or low 80s, haha. But yes, hopefully it cools off a little soon!

  4. I'm with you on the sudden heat thing. I'll acclimate, but it'll suck again when we hit 90s.

    1. I was doing okay in the 80s, but the 90s always hit me super hard. Way longer to acclimate. Gross.

  5. I'm also with you on the weather and I REALLY want to get one of those pineapple cups!

    1. I got it at Walmart for $4! They even had a variety of colors, but clearly I had to get teal(ish) haha.

  6. Replies
    1. Yeah there is nothing pleasant about 95 degree temps with 90% humidity... haha. Oh well. I grew up here, you'd think I'd be better acclimated at this point!
